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Archive for Mark McEachran

Is Google out to destroy the secondary keyword market (before it has even matured)?

It didn’t take long to wrap my head around the collateral damage that would occur when Google suppresses their outbound referring URL information when patrons are using the search engine while they’re logged in. An article forwarded to me by a friend in the business laid out some of the damage that was expected. My friend went on to point out that some of his competition might be impacted by Google’s actions, he was not entirely displeased.


Google Luigi smashes the query string, removing it from the secondary keyword market

I’m trying to think of the impact so I looked around for some back of the napkin numbers, using the Google search engine of course. Be mindful, these are Internet numbers so they are obviously without reproach. I started with the assumption that most folks that have a Google account are probably using Gmail, so that’d be the most impactful user base. According to Panda algorithm chosen web page at the top of my search results it seems that Gmail had about 193 million users at the end of 2010. If Google trusts itself then this is probably accurate information.

That’s not everybody. I asked Amazon and its sorta saying that there are 1.7 billion unique Internet users. So Google’s got 11% that could potentially be logged in while user the search engine. I don’t log in at work, so let’s assume that I’m half of all people and I’m at work for half of my searches. So 11% drops to 8.25% of Internet searches impacted by this. Maybe we’ll give Google+ a little love and just say 10%. Sound good? . . .Yeah, I think so too. You know what 10% looks like to me, it looks like an experiment. Read more

How are bidding conflicts avoided in a real-time bidding (RTB) environment with multiple ad exchanges and networks?

How are bidding conflicts avoided in a real-time bidding (RTB) environment with multiple ad exchanges and networks?
This question was asked on, below is my answer.

In the advertising soup, how do you avoid bidding conflicts?The short answer is that bidding conflicts aren’t avoided. The DSPs have no idea that they are seeing the same impression from multiple sources – whether in serial or parallel. They don’t have anything built to detect such events.

Within a single SSP/exchange the auction can be configured in such a way that if multiple DSPs are bidding for the same advertiser or seat holder then they are not allowed to set the second price for themselves. This is something that we’re considering at Rubicon as we learn more about the perceived problem. As the recent Econsultancy report shows, most buyers are working with more than one DSP. Read more

Top 10 Things Publishers Need To Know About Real-Time Bidding

I’ve been threatening on twitter to write a book on the things publishers need to know about Real-Time Bidding (RTB). At the Rubicon Project, we like to talk about ‘RTB Done Right’ and how to help publishers understand what’s really going on. With a full-time day job I don’t have quite enough time to bang out chapter after chapter of really fascinating business and technical aspects of RTB, so I thought I’d do a Top 10 list.

I started watching the Late Show with David Letterman to get the format down and then I popped over to a bunch of sites to make sure I wasn’t producing a fluff SEO piece. So based on what myself and our team has learned, here are the Top 10 Things Publishers Need To Know About Real-Time Bidding (link goes to article).

Attempt at Heroism

My attempt to assist a truck driver with a serious fire under his truck.

Using Dynamic Price Floors to Protect Publisher Value

I was reading a recent post on AdExchanger, “Smoking the RTB Weed,” about a Real-time bidding paper Metamarkets was gearing up to present at an industry event and it got me thinking about dynamic price floors (n.b. If you’re not already familiar with RTB, you might want to start with my earlier post on the topic to get up to speed. This post is pretty ‘inside baseball.’)

Disparity of Data

There’s a lot concern in the online ad ecosystem around the disparity of data between publishers and advertisers. These are not new concerns but they are attracting a lot of attention due to the opportunity that Real-Time Bidding (RTB) presents in leveling the playing field.

Historically advertisers have been incentivized to understand the audience behind the publisher in order to maximize their yield. This has led to a large investment in technology to serve the advertiser, tilting the balance of information to their favor and leading to rampant arbitrage.  As a result, most impressions are still sold without adequate protection.

Re-balancing Toward the Publisher

Real-Time Bidding affords the publisher an opportunity to re-balance the terms of the sale of inventory. In fact, in many ways the savvy, well-armed publisher can leverage RTB to gain an advantage in that each impression is evaluated and assigned a value by several buyers.

During an auction only one buyer can purchase the impression, but the data gathered from the other buyers is not discarded, rather it is captured by the publisher (or in our customers’ case, by REVV) and stored for analysis and pricing determination on all future bids.  Read more