The year was 2008. Social media was just ramping up. Twitter was an infant and people were still wondering why Google bought YouTube. MySpace was starting to wither under News Corp and Facebook was on the rise to supplant it. Read more
Tag Archive for Book
Why I Built Scrypter
My author page on Facebook
So, I’m working on a book about time travel. It’s currently titled: Reverse. The concept for the book has been with me since college (think: 1996). It’s been festering for awhile.
I’m up to chapter four now. I plan on finishing the manuscript, fancy word for ‘first draft’, by the summer of 2013. I’m betting that it will take 12 to 16 chapters to complete part one of the story.
Oh, yeah, there are going to be several more books. The story is too big, now. I’ll post my progress on my facebook author page. In fact, when I get to 100 followers I’ll post chapter 1 there. How ’bout that?
Chapter 1 is now posted. Head on over to get access to it.