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Archive for Mark McEachran

RTB Primer

This post was written in the early days of RTB. While the description of the ecosystem it is still relevant, some of the products mentioned may have been renamed.

Real-Time Bidding diagram

Real-Time Bidding (RTB) might seem like old hat already, but there are still many misconceptions out there about how it actually works. It seems that there’s not a ton of material out there that explains RTB in a straightforward manner; until now.

The market explains RTB as sales channel where advertisers bid on their desired ad impressions, with the targeted impression going to the highest bidder. RTB ad serving is made possible through APIs shared among networks, exchanges and optimization platforms that dictate detailed transaction conditions.

While RTB’s value to publishers seems enticing as access to more demand sources equates to increased publisher revenue, the risks, however less apparent, are significant. Because RTB gives advertisers their desired audience at the lowest possible price, publishers are at risk of downward pricing pressure – and net negative revenue impact – resulting from the buy-side’s increased efficiency .

It’s for this very reason that the Rubicon Project recently launched the REVV Protected RTB 1.0 beta. I’ll explain how the REVV for publishers ™ 3.2 Yield Optimization platform handles Protected RTB at a high level to paint a clearer, basic picture.

How Bidding Works

A quick note – as you read through the following, bear in mind that the entire process described in the paragraphs below takes place in less than 80 milliseconds. For perspective, it takes about 300-400 milliseconds to blink an eye.

Let’s start with the ad request. This is the same ad request (a request from a publisher to fill a given ad impression) that would come in without Protected RTB engaged. The REVV ad engine checks the rules for that impression to see if it is eligible to receive real-time bids (the system calls that “Protected RTB enabled”) and which Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) should get exposure to it, per the publisher’s permission control settings (we currently work with a number of DSPs including AppNexus, Turn, Triggit, MediaMath, DataXu, Quantcast and Media6Degrees). If the impression is Protected RTB enabled, then the REVV ad engine packages the pertinent information about the impression and anonymized user information (no personally identifiable information) and sends to REVV’s real-time bid system.

The bid system receives the request from the ad engine, unpacks it and creates distinct request packages for each DSP.  Each bid request package includes information the DSP needs to make a decision whether to bid, including basic information about the site, the anonymized user information and ad itself parameters like dimensions and acceptable creative types. These request packages are all in a standard format defined for the REVV Protected RTB platform; each DSP has implemented the communication protocol according to REVV’s API specification. Read more

A small case for the iPhone nano

Apple has several sizes and shapes in their line of computers and iPods, but only one size and shape to their phone. Sure, you can get 3G or 3GS with a variety of storage onboard, but the device itself comes with the same processor, same graphics, same screen size, same camera, same ins and outs.

This same-ness has eased developer adoption to be sure. Having a single device to design for means there’s one stream of code, with some tinkering for backward compatibility. It’s also great for the accessory folks. A single physical shape means more consumers available per accessory.

There might be a problem with such a robust device running the iPhone OS. Folks who’ve purchased an iPad might not need the next iPhone. The iPad runs almost all the apps that the iPhone runs, and with the larger screen the apps are often far better. Owning an iPad means that users, like myself, could actually get by with a cheaper, run-of-the-mill mobile phone. Read more

GoogleTV, AppleTV, Tivo: Listen up

Tivo, you had it right. You were in the right place with a near perfect device. You were missing a DVD player and the Internet, but that’s about it. Honestly, you had me sold.

Apple, you’re making progress. You’ve got some of the Internet, all of my music and you almost negate the need for a DVD player. Let me back up a tic, none of you need a Blu-Ray player. The format may have won but I don’t have racks of Blu-Ray disks on my shelf, I’ve got DVDs.

Google, Sling, DLink (ha!), you’re not there either. None of you are, none of you will be until you get all these things right. Ready? Here we go.

The perfect device for my TV will do all of the following:

  • Replace my cable or satellite box
  • Play my DVDs and maybe my Blu-Ray disks
  • Have a web browser and support all web formats (yeah, even Flash Mr. Jobs)
  • Have a smart device (phone, tablet) as the remote
  • Sync with my music and movies on my computer
  • Have all DVR functionality
  • Allow me to copy my shows onto my computer or smart device (and maybe even let me pull the content remotely like Sling)

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Hewlett-Packard and Palm could be a contender

HPalm LogoYesterday HP announced that it was going to buy Palm for $1.2 billion (HPalm?). I think it’s a stroke of genius. The more I dig into this plan the better both companies look to benefit from it. There are a lot of hurdles to overcome, but if they can execute on some key opportunities they could be perfectly positioned to give Apple a run for the money. It’s not rocket science to see the potential here or to come up with even a modest plan to give them a good shot. Early indications are that HP will leverage sales and market reach to push Palm devices into the market. I hope that’s not the end of the plan. It might yield a quick buck but there’s so much more they can do.

HP can learn a lot from Palm. The Palm Pilot was as ubiquitous as the iPhone at one time. You kids might not remember this, but there was eventually something that looked like an App Store (see:, versions of the Palm eventually supported peripherals (see: Handspring) and there was even a phone version (see: Treo 600). Today it seems absurd that you’d have a mobile device that wasn’t a phone (or would you? iPad), but back in the late 90’s and early 00’s it was pretty normal. Today Palm sells only a couple of devices. The differentiating factor is whether or not it has a physical keyboard. It’s a perfect line-up, but without the marketing bucks to compete against the big Apple Palm was struggling. But they’ve got the right products: smartphones, and the right number of them: 2. Read more

This web page is fat

Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee, Creator of the World Wide Web.Photo Attribution: / CC BY-SA 2.0

Do we really need to keep calling them web pages? What started out as an open document format for the exchange of data between researchers has quickly evolved into a new application platform where most of the computing happens in the cloud instead of on your desktop computer. The WorldWideWeb was created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee while he was working at CERN. His objective at the time was to enable his scientific colleagues to exchange research information electronically in a commonly consumable format. The Web allowed researchers to link their documents to one another via a hyperlink. This acted as an active cross-reference within the document itself. No longer would a person reading a paper by one researcher need to dig up another paper referenced in the document, they could just click on the link and go straight to it.

For a couple years the Web developed quietly. Pages were small and purposeful; browsers were few and eventually dominated by Mosaic. But in 1993 Netscape Navigator showed up at the party with some seed money and a business plan. It would take a year or two to unseat Mosaic, but eventually it enjoyed the widest user base on the Internet. The party, for Navigator, lasted until 1997. By that time the average web page size was about 44 Kilobytes according to a survey conducted at Georgia Tech. Netscape introduced an on-the-fly load style during its reign, which rendered the page as elements were downloaded as opposed to waiting until it was completely downloaded. This would allow a user to read the text of the page while the graphics were loading, a major breakthrough for the mostly dial-up user base. Read more